As is often the case, the FCC spoiled the surprise on this one, but Dell's keeping its PR machine chugging along with its new Latitude XT2 XFR rugged tablet nonetheless, and it's fleshed out a few details in the precess. As expected, this one is more or less just a rugged version of the company's existing Latitude XT2, including the same 12.1-inch multitouch display, a modestly upgraded Core 2 Duo SU9600 processor, up to 5GB of RAM, your choice of a standard hard drive or SSD, a range of hot-swappable modules (soon to include GPS) and, somewhat curiously, no Windows 7 option -- just Vista or the ever popular XP downgrade. Of course it's the ruggedness that's the real selling point, and this one looks to deliver the goods on that front (for a starting price of $3,599) --

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