It's been what, five whole days since we've heard any fresh rumors on the Apple Tablet. That ends today with DigiTimes claiming that Foxconn (aka, Hon Hai Precision) not Quanta has secured manufacturing rights to Apple's "tablet PC." Its sources claim that the device will focus on "e-book functionality" and hit the market in Q1 with initial shipments set in the 300,000 to 400,000 range -- a modest, but healthy number when you consider that Apple sells about 2.6 million Macs per quarter. DigiTimes claims it will have a 10.6-inch panel (not 10.7- or 9.6-inch) and that the panels could be sourced from Innolux Display, not WinTek. If nothing else, at least the Taiwan-based rumor monger has quit calling the device a netbook as all these rumors coalesce around a Q1 launch.

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