Apple on Thursday released Mac OS X 10.6.1, its first maintenance update following the recent Snow Leopard launch. The company has addressed a variety of compatibility issues involving Sierra Wireless 3G modems, interrupted DVD playback, automatic account setup in Mail, and Motion 4 problems.
Pressing the Command-Option-T shortcut has been corrected to avoid bringing up the special characters menu in apps such as Mail and TextEdit. Users that send mail with SMTP servers will no longer have to use the manual troubleshooting fix that was necessary following the initial Snow Leopard release.
The OS X update also brings a security fix that updates the system with the latest version of Adobe Flash. The company was criticized for releasing the software with an older version of Flash with a wide variety of known vulnerabilities.
Mac OS X 10.6.1 is contained in a 71MB download available from Apple's Support page or via Software Update. The Server edition has also been updated with the compatibility fixes and security patches.
The specific changes are:
* Improves compatibility with some Sierra Wireless 3G modems
* Addresses an issue in which some printer compatibility drivers might not appear properly in the Add Printer browser
* Addresses an issue that might cause DVD playback to stop unexpectedly
* Addresses an issue that might make it difficult to remove an item from the Dock
* Resolves an issue in which the Command-Option-T keyboard shortcut would sometimes bring up the special characters menu in applications such as Mail and TextEdit
* Addresses instances in which auto account setup in Mail might not work
* Resolves issues when sending mail with certain SMTP servers
* Addresses an issue in which Motion 4 could become unresponsive
* Includes an update to Adobe Flash Player plug-in version
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